Miss Belgium 2012 is Laura Beyne, 19, from Brussels. She won the title just moments ago during a glittering gala in Knokke. First runner-up was Aurore De Geest, 21, and second runner-up was Jade Moens, 20. Dean Harris and Prof. Chandni watched the pageant on the live webstream, courtesy RTL. The minute Laura said she admired both Martin Luther King Jr. and President Barack Obama, Dean Harris and Prof. Chandni were in love with her! Allez Laura! The first runner-up, Aurore De Geest, provided fierce competition, and for a time, Dean Harris and Prof. Chandni alternated between Laura and Aurore. However, when Aurore said she admired Coco Chanel, who was a Nazi sympathizer and collaborationist, Dean Harris and Prof. Chandni fell out of love with Aurore. Oui a Martin Luther King Jr. and Barack Obama. Non a Coco Chanel.