Thursday, April 14, 2011

Zodiac IN LOVE : 2011


The year 2011 won't bring radical changes in your sentimental life. It'll be an ordinary year, with its ups and downs.

Thus, March and June 2011 will be beneficial sentimentally speaking, and July and August 2011 will bring an enhancement of the sexual enthusiasm.

However, beyond the enhancement of the erotic interest, the period July-August 2011 will focus attention on the couple relationship in itself and will be able to bring to discussion sore points, unsolved in due time, or bring back a former relationship to your attention.

Communication and the way of seeing things will be essential in this period, which might be marked by opinion divergences, hesitations or reconsiderations. It's true that sex might settle problems, but the possible misunderstandings need to be solved urgently and deeply, because otherwise, Mars' passing through the house of couples in September-October 2011 risks amplifying disagreements.

Towards the end of the year 2011, a neuter climate will prevail.

In the first part of 2011, the ruler of your house of couples - Jupiter - will either be in the impetuous Aries, or conjunct with the electrifying Uranus, or both, so your relational life will be more dynamic and exciting, with surprises and challenges.

Still, as the sober Saturn will anchor your house of sexuality, you should expect some sensual obstacles that will limit your affairs to flirts only, or something that will cause your erotic development (such an experience is possible at any time, no matter the age).

In some cases, your partner could be the one going through a more tumultuous period.

The situation will come to more stable grounds after Jupiter's entering Taurus (June 4th 2011), although, in June and July 2011, Venus and March could generously spice up your sentimental life.

Caution in November-December 2011: retrograde Mercury, the Sun eclipse on November 25th 2011 and the Moon eclipse on December 10th 2011 can be the messengers of some significant, unusual or tense events. 


The general enthusiasm, which naturally also contaminated the sentimental-sensual area last year, will come down a bit towards the end of 2011, once Jupiter leaves Pisces.

In March 2011, though, there will be a regeneration of the sexual instinct, accompanied by a very lively initiative spirit. March will stimulate your senses and instinct to conquer.

In April 2011 it's Venus' turn to cross your sign, and the sentimental behavior will change registers, to a warmer, more romantic and seductive one. April 2011 will be the month in which the opposite sex can submit to your charm.

July and August 2011 will be months of a high passionate and erotic potential. Beware at the end of the year, though!

In November 2011 a long period will begin in which a lot of energy will go to the area of couples, which is at the same time loaded with considerable risk of conflicts. 


In 2011 Saturn will demand that you decide what you want and how you can get it, analyze the chances, quality and sustainability of the relationship, consolidate what is worth consolidating and reconsider what is not.

A life together must have solid, authentic grounds, and the process could be long and scattered with trials, hardships or obstacles.

In the first half of 2011, the sentimental enthusiasm and sexual instincts will be catalyzed by Jupiter and Uranus, and turbulences won't cease to appear. The last part of March 2011, April and the first half of May 2011 will be a peak period, when you'll face the risk of making wrong decisions and lose control over things.

If you're in the wrong relationship, the thirst for freedom caused by Jupiter and Uranus in 2011 can lead to the breaking of your relationship.

August 2011 could be full of romanticism and eroticism, but it'll be prone to deluding yourself.

The second part of September 2011 and all October 2011 will be particularly intense and significant for love and couple, having the capacity to result in important events or decisions. 


The first months of 2011 won't bring anything spectacular. However, around May 10th 2011 the doors of chance and promise will open to you.

Under a hot Venus-Mars conjunction, May 2011 will be a passionate month.

In June 2011, Jupiter entering Taurus will enhance the sexual instinct and the desire for adventure, which will stay high all the year 2011, but particularly in June, August-September and November-December, making you look very sexy in the eyes of the opposite sex.

In August-September 2011 the overwhelming sensuality will be doubled by romanticism.

The interval October-November 2011 can bring irresistible attractions and some couple-related decisions.

In brief, the year 2011 could be a good one for the current relationship, but seems more interesting as regards a new love story.


The year 2011 will start forcefully with another Sun eclipse in your house of couples. In conclusion, you could expect unusual or significant happenings.

Anyway, Pluto will start important, long-term projects in the respective area: it'll interfere with the essence, will demand fundamental changes, and aim at perfection. If it's not satisfied with something, it will be taken down, for something better to be built.

Pluto's messages will be subtle and demand receptivity. Those who don't perceive and follow them can end up in the middle of a tragedy at one point, completely powerless.

As regards the general climate, the months July, October and December 2011 promise seduction and tenderness, and August and September promise passion and sensuality. 

With the ruler of your house of couples in a strong position, love and/or marriage will hold an important place in your life in 2011. A passionate affair, with the characteristic noise and disorder, is possible to occur at the end of the year. But it does not characterize the base of the relational tendencies, which will be built around the idea of communication or of sharing some similar intellectual interests.

Although Neptune (located in your house of couples since 1998) will be in its last months of transit through the partnership sector, its charm won't deceive you anymore; its scent won't lend you any idealistic mood.

Feelings won't weaken, but time has come for reason and lucidity. Moreover, your choices and decisions will be intelligent and correct. 


If you have invested a lot of (physical and/or mental) energy in the relational area since 2003, if your sentimental or marital life has been a bit restless, if certain important parameters have changed in the couple's evolution or in your view on it, if you have experienced frequent separations or rough breakups, then you'll be glad to know that this process supported by Uranus is getting close to its end.

In March 2011, Uranus will permanently leave your sector of love and marriage, and things will calm down. Starting now, according to the situation, you can hope to build a more harmonious relationship or for your partner's behavior to find balance.

One big challenge will stay in the spotlight: sex! An area which requires experimenting to the finest and most secret mechanisms, an area in which there's still a lot for you to discover. Eroticism can bring you fulfillment, as well as frustrations.


 In the summer of 2010 you might have already had a sample of what Jupiter and Uranus are keeping in store for you for the first part of 2011: an active, intense and adventurous sentimental life or a series of changes, novelty or openings that will mark your partner's existence. One thing is sure: you won't get bored!

It's true some developments could bewilder you, represent an attack to your prejudices, need for security and stability, test your sentimental endurance. However, if you overcome your conservative or conformist attitude and welcome novelty, you can enjoy a great year relationally speaking!

Anyway, you'll have to train your adaptability. Uranus will stay in your house of couples until 2018, full of energy and initiative, thirsty for changes, novelty and reforms. If you want to build something good together, you have to join brave, ingenious, modern, and adjustable people - at least when it comes to love and couple.


Cupid's realm is getting ready for love. In April 2011, the romantic Neptune will enter your house of love and sensuality which he'll leave in August though. Only in 2012 it'll settle there for long term. It's only checking it now.

The Neptune-like effect might suit you or not. Neptune promotes idealism, charm and seduction, but it doesn't really do well at facts. Sometimes, however, the romantic trance has its own charm.

If you want something concrete though, 2011 can offer it to you, even fully! In March-May 2011, Venus and Mars will speak about passion, and in June 2011, Jupiter will enter your house of couples promisingly, where it will stay for one year.

The Great Beneficial will bring you an ample relational opening, a period of opportunities and flourishing. It can help you find your soul mate, improve your couple life or regain your freedom, if you're in a relationship that doesn't satisfy you. Moreover, it can bring you more offers simultaneously, so that you have a lot to choose from. October seems to hold some special chances. 


Sagittarius people love adventure and sex, and the first half of the year 2011 offers them the opportunity to indulge themselves in such delighting activities!

With Jupiter and Uranus in your house of sex and adrenaline, there are great chances to crazily fall in love, have frenziedly erotic activity and a love life scattered with adventures.

The first part of 2011 will be particularly favorable, and April and May 2011 promise to be tumultuous, due to Venus' and Mars' extra enthusiasm, but also to the special interest shown to you by the troublesome Mercury. So tumultuous that you can lose control and end up in less convenient situations.

Beware, especially if you have a steady relationship you care about: try not to compromise it!

The eclipse in June 2011 and the passing of Mars through your sector of couples in July 2011 can result in misunderstandings.

The second part of 2011 will be calmer, but not without action. Even if Jupiter is continuing its journey, Uranus will stay in your house of eroticism. 


Your sentimental life will be touched by an electrifying gust, but more subtly in the first months of 2011, when everything will take the shape of intentions, rather than facts. But you'll truly be preoccupied with love and it feels like there's some promise in the air.

Starting May 2011, the promise could turn to reality. For the beginning, Venus and Mars will present you the pilot-episode of what's next: passion, adventure, sensual love.

Then, in June 2011, Jupiter (the Great Beneficial) will step into your house of love and eroticism where it'll stay for one year; in the meanwhile, there can be spectacular developments in your sentimental life.

July 2011, August, the first two decant of September and December 2011 will be especially favorable.

But if you already have a stagnating or regressing relationship, beware during the summer, when the relationship is more vulnerable and can face disturbance. 

MANY THANKS TO : kinkei &

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