Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday's Rant: check those receipts, and expiration dates!

On Tuesdays I sometimes take the opportunity to rant about something I do not like about Target… because although I love ‘em to death, they ain’t perfect. And today's rant is a double-rant, over two things I've recently witnessed at the Bullseye:

1 - As I've commented before, you need to check your receipts upon checkout, because more and more clerks keep making "mistakes". Three times now in the past month I've been double-charged for the same item. In fact just yesterday, I was charged for two Breathe-Right packs, when in fact I only bought one. This may sound trivial, but at almost $13 a pack, it adds up.

2 - Also, please check the expiration dates on food items. A couple of weeks ago, my mom bought a 4-pack of Activia yogurt... only to get it home and realize that it had expired back on February 10th :-(

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