Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Nick Verreos in Novi Michigan's Twelve Oaks Mall: Macy's "Putting It All Together" event--The Recap!

Detroit Fashion Gals, Michigander Fashionistas, Exclusive Blogging Project Runway Interview...and George Clooney????

Michigander Gals: Nick Verreos poses with Macy's "Putting It All Together" guests (and "Project Runway" fans), Macy's Twelve Oaks Mall Novi Michigan

This last Friday, I flew to Detroit Michigan to host one of my FAB Macy's "Putting It All Together" events. Just days before, I was in Chicago Macy's State Street and then, had to fly back to LA to take care of some dress-making NIKOLAKI business--and then later in the week, I was back on a plane--to Detroit. I was hosting at Novi Michigan's (about 30 miles from Detroit) Twelve Oaks Mall Macy's the following day--on Saturday.

Upon arriving into Novi, I checked into the very chic "The Baronette Renaissance" Boutique Hotel. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED the decor: It was very Mid-Century Modern Boutique-y. I WANT EVERY piece of furniture for my own home!!!

The Baronette Renaissance Hotel Lobby, Novi Michigan

I've been to many a Boutique Hotel in my "frequent flyer" travels and I must say, The Baronette Renaissance was one of THE BEST! Loved that Lobby, with the fireplace and sectional sofa decor. It was a nice "welcome to Novi" after flying (almost) across the US.

The hotel was designed by David Ashen of d-ash Design and as of now: He is my new Interior Design "boyfriend"! If I had all the money in the world, I would order those chairs in the photo above as well as that glass table with the wooden legs. Love.

I also sneaked a peak into the "Kitchen" area (top photo) of The Baronette Renaissance, which was just as sleek and well-designed as the rest of the lobby--and of course, it's mini-fridge was well-stocked with a Michigan Icon: Faygo Soda, as you can see. I, unfortunately, never got the chance to try one, but...maybe next time!

Look Who's Here: Nick Verreos, Macy's Twelve Oaks Mall Novi Michigan

But now, it was on to my Macy's "Putting It All Together" Event! The Twelve Oaks Mall in Novi Michigan was abuzz as shoppers gathered around and recognized me as I made my way into the store. Immediately, I told the store manager that I wanted to make an announcement on the intercom and he was happy to make my wish come true.

Novi Stage: Nick Verreos, Macy's "Putting It All Together" event, Twelve Oaks Mall

Soon enough, the First Floor Impulse Department section, which was blocked off for the event, was full with EVERY seat taken and in fact, it became "Standing Room Only". Prior to the event, I was SO excited to see "Tbone" from MY FAVORITE Project Runway Fan Site--Blogging Project Runway--waiting for me--to do an "exclusive" interview and video. It was also great to see my good ol' friend, Lisa Gilpin of GM and formally with Saturn (sponsor of Project Runway!).

Blogging Friends: Lisa Gilpin, Nick Verreos and "Tbone" of Blogging project Runway, Macy's Twelve Oaks Novi Michigan

Naturally, I couldn't contain myself and gave them a big hug--and did the interview (see videos at the end of this posting!). But then, it was time for "Putting It All Together": I chose-- randomly--members from the Macy's audience, to be "Macy's Stylists" and "Put Together" outfits for three challenges...

Including "A Night Out With The Girls", "Brunch With The Girls" and "Shopping With Nick" (above photo). The winners, picked by the rest of the audience, won $100 Macy's Gift Cards while the runners-up got $25 Macy's Gift Cards as well (not bad!).

Contestant Interviewin' : Nick Verreos interviews contestants at the Macy's "Putting It All Together" event, Twelve Oaks Mall Novi Michigan

There were LOTS of Mommies and their daughters and so, of course, at the end, I brought up some of the little future Fashionista/Macy's Top Models and had then do a little Runway Walk on stage with me to cap off this fun Macy's Twelve Oaks "Putting It All Together" event.

I had the BEST time in Michigan with my lovely Michigander DIVAS! I was especially verklempt, when I met a beautiful attendee, Maxine Gardner (above), who actually had a special "Gift" for me: Gorgeous Photo-Cards designed by her!! I couldn't believe it! The fact that someone took the time to come to Macy's and my event and bring me a wonderful gift!? Done and Done! By the way, you can click HERE to see her website and those gorgeous cards from her fundraising company, Artful Vision.

Michigan's Top Models: Nick Verreos with models Caitlyn (L) and Austyn (R), from Real Style Agency, Macy's Twelve Oaks Mall Novi Michigan "Putting it All Together" event

I had a great time and I thank EVERYONE for coming out! And of course, for shopping at Macy's (hello!). But then, I was off to the Detroit Metro Airport to catch my flight back to Los Angeles. Now, I thought my exciting day was over, but...after getting to the airport and checking in, I went through security and had about two hours to waste away. I decided that since I was hungry, I should get a turkey sandwich at the "Waterworks Bar & Grill" at the Delta McNamara Terminal near my gate. As soon as I was about to take my first bite, I look up, and who do I see:

George Clooney and his girlfriend, the beautiful Elisabetta Canalis! Yep, not kidding. In fact, I almost didn't notice him (gray sweater, gray pants, salt-&-pepper hair, glasses) but it was she who caught my eye. She was in jeans, black Ugg boots and sunglasses and no make-up but still, I was like "She's beautiful and...she looks familiar!!! They sat ten feet away, ordered drinks and burgers. The entire kitchen staff was tripping over themselves being all looky-loos. To make a long story short: They were both on my flight back to LA! And yes, the Delta flight attendants, pilot and co-pilot were a MESS! At one point, I wondered if anyone was flying the darn plane because they were all in the front First Class Galley acting like they needed to be there (they were just looking at Mr. Clooney, but pretending not to--it was kinda cute actually!).

It was a very "Hollywood/Celeb Sighting" ending to my fun Detroit Michigan trip. Who knows, maybe next time I visit Novi, I might see Lady Gaga!

Click Below for Blogging Project Runway Interview with Tbone--Part I:

Click Below for Blogging project Runway Interview with Tbone--Part 2:

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