Thursday, April 14, 2011

2011 Horoscope ❀ i

All about zodiac signs – Know all about zodiac horoscope signs 2011


Horoscope Zodiac Signs Aquarius 2011: People born under the zodiac Aquarius, this year will be an incredible year. You must be very creative and ambitious. Your professional life will be in focus during the second half of the year, some of you can even get an encouragement. Family and Friends will be loving and trustworthy all through the year. However, some health related problems in the middle of the year. So must take care of your health.

Horoscope Zodiac Signs Gemini 2011: People born under the zodiac Gemini, this year will be a good year. Although career life, you may experience some ups and downs, but you enjoy your life. Save your money before its going for extra spending. Some strong decisions will be needed to make. Taking care of your health is a must for you as some health related problem during middle of month.
Horoscope Zodiac Signs Aries 2011: People born under the zodiac Aries, this year will be moderately good. Aries may face some challenges in career or business during the first half of the year. Although you will be busy with your working life, your family life will be wonderful. Persons who are single will fall in love during first half of the year. People who are in relationship may get married this year. 
Horoscope Zodiac Signs Taurus 2011: People born under the zodiac Taurus, this year will be pretty good. Taurus people will have a wonderful life during the year. Family life will be harmonious. Financial problems will be settled at the end of the year. However, look after your health, since there are some chances of poor health conditions this year.
Horoscope Zodiac Signs Leo 2011: People born under the zodiac Leo, this year will be a good year. You are imaginative and creative, share your ideas with your superior, it may help you in your career. You have a healthy romantic love relationship this year. You will also be financially secured. The middle of the year will be wonderful for you.
Horoscope Zodiac Signs Virgo 2011: People born under the zodiac Virgo, this year will be an average year. You will financially secure. Family life will remain good and healthy. You won't have any movement in your career or jobs. A minor health problem may occur in the beginning of the year.
Horoscope Zodiac Signs Libra 2011: People born under the zodiac Libra, this year will be wonderful year. You can maintain a strong relationship with your family and your friends. You know what to say, what to judgment, and what to do at the right time. In Offices also you will get supports from your colleagues and management. You may get some added bonus this year, according to your performance. You will also enjoy a good health this year.
Horoscope Zodiac Signs Scorpio 2011: People born under the zodiac Libra, this year will be normal year. You may face a few health related problems beginning of year, but it still can be manageable. You may have some issues with elderly member of the family. Financially you will be secured all through the year. Your partner will be understanding and supportive to you. You may also get a hike for your brilliant performance.
Horoscope Zodiac Signs Sagittarius 2011: People born under the zodiac Sagittarius, this year will be great year. You may tie the wedding knot this year, if you are in love relationship. However, some financial problem may occur this year. Your ambitious and will bring some amazing opportunities to fulfill your professional goal. Some may experience a development in career. Travel is also in the air. 
Horoscope Zodiac Signs Capricorn 2011: People born under the zodiac Capricorn, this year will be common year. Though financial security is normal and no career development will happen. Relationships will face a little challenge. Your family members are very understanding. You are healthy and fit all through the this year. 
Horoscope Zodiac Signs Pisces 2011: People born under the zodiac Pisces, this year will be moderate good year. You have a healthy family life. You may make some new friends this year. . If you are having relationship then this year you may secure the wedding knot. There is financial problem may happen in the beginning of the year. It can be settled by end of the year.


Horoscope Guide 2011: Zodiac Sign Predictions For Love, Money, Home & Family


Aquarius [January 21 - February 19]

You will find that your ideas start earning you a lot of money. This isn't the time to keep them to yourself, but rather to share them with others. This is also a good time to start an Internet business, to get your own site and web presence established, and enjoy learning about and using today's technology. This is also an excellent time for letting go of everything that prevents you from truly being who you are. Doing so may well make you semi-enlightened and use your spiritual means to create an abundance in your life.

Although your love life is not your major focus this year, be prepared for changes to take place anyway. As the Sun is your partnershi planet you are going to have to deal with a few upheavals to your relationships. The dates of the Solar Eclipses are January 4, June 1, July 1 and November 25. Eclipses tend to act like gear changes and will encourage you to move to the next level in your relationships or perhaps to move away from certain relationships altogether, and to spend some time by yourslef. Whatever the scenario you will come away changed. Online love affairs may continue to be important and quite a distraction too.

You are learning more and more about the spiritual reality of your current financial situation. Your money, or lack of it, is directly related to your spiritual awareness, and your understanding of this universe as being one of abundance, in which it is impossible for you to let go of anything that may get in the way of seeing the truth. Practice long enough and you'll break through, and your finances will never be the same again. They will be infintely better.

Home & Family
Your home and family situation is set to stay the same, as this part of your chart is not going to be affected by any of the major planets. This year your family will have feelings of contentment and prosperity. Property deals may work well for you, even if everyone else is moaning about property prices. You also seem set to make money from your home, either by taking in a lodger, working from home or finding another unique way to cash in on it. Family gatherings will be fun and there may be one or two more additions to the family. It all looks very good!


Gemini [May 22 - June 21]

The focus has very much been on your job and career zone in 2010. However, in 2011 there is going to be a gradual shift towards socialising and networking, which means your life is going to become a lot more fun. Whether you are using networking to find a new lover, close some fabulous business deal or increase the number of friends you have, you will be successful.

From January your social life will be a lot more interesting, which is good news if you are hoping to find that perfect companion. Be prepared to be inventive and look online as well as in your local area. It is when you take risks and move in new circles that you will be lucky. Early in June, Jupiter moves into Taurus and into your spirtual zone, so your technique for finding true love or maintaining a loving relationship may need to change yet again. There are three eclipses across your relationship axis, which are bound to prompt change in this area. Whether you are ready for it or not, it is time to take the next step forward.

Your personal finances are not your main focus over 2011. However, an Eclipse in your eighth house on January 4 may coincide with a chance to sort out loans, debts and joint financial affairs so that you can manage your repayments more easily. Later in the year on July 1 there will be another Solar Eclipse in your personal financial zone which may shake things up a bit. You cannot afford to be complacent. You will benefit by looking after your money, rather than hoping everything will work out OK.

Home & Family
Although you home and family zone are not in focus, you will be affected by Mercury and its retrograde phases. If you are thinking of buying or selling a property, or having major work carried out on your place, then avoid these periods. The dates to watch out for are: March 30 - April 23, August 2 - August 26, November 23 - December 13. You may want to give your home more of a designer look, or make use of a Feng Shui expert to help reorganize it, and so bring greater success your way.

Aries [March 21 - April 20]

Welcome to your new life! This is going to be quite a year for you. Personal freedom and the desire to make changes in all areas are going to be very strong. Uranus is linked with revolution and rebellion, so you may find yourself acting like a runaway teenager at times in your desire to break free from the ruts that have held you back. Travel is also on the cards, especially abroad. And you could learn new skills.You may lose a few friends or key relationships on the way, but this will pave the way for new relationships in the future.
Right now your love life and relationships are being tested. This is down to the presence of Saturn in Libra. You will project everything that is negative upon your partner so that it looks as if they cannot do anything right. It will help to look deep into your soul and acknowledge the way you feel about things, and what you can do to help resolve matters. As you cannot appreciate being tied down and need to be free you need to let your partner know and cut ties if he/she cannot give you space. If your relationship is beyond repair you may feel moved to end it, giving you a chance to live life on your own terms once again.
You will be glad to know that your financial situation is going to be much better over 2011. Up until now you have been struggling with money, but there is an optimistic outlook this year. Think carefully about how you can best use your resources to improve life for yourself permanently. Although you may have more money this year and it's fun to spend, spend, spend, it won't do you much good in the long term. Work out a plan that enables you to save and invest wisely, so that you flourish far into the future.
Home & Family
Your home and family zone is not in focus over the coming year, which means things may remain much as they are. A theme of renewal underlies any decisions you make and you may be motivated to clear out the clutter, which will give you more space and energy too.

Taurus [March 21 - April 20]

This year the focus shifts from your social zone to your spiritual and karmic zone. For some time you have been enjoying meeting and befriending some unique people, who have added immeasurably to your life, and you cannot imagine how you ever got along without them. Treasure and appreciate these friendships. Jupiter moves into Aries in January and is followed by Uranus in March which means that you may want to take up meditation, expand your awareness or find that special guru or teacher who can guide you through the cosmic illusion to the truth of who you really are.
Since Pluto, your love and romance planet, moved into Capricorn back in 2008, you have had very different needs in your love relationships. Now you are seeking a more intellectual rapport, and are enjoying the many possibilities that are open to you as a couple. If you lose your sense of adventure you may also lose your will to remain with your partner. Love is about making new discoveries and finding out how to shape your experience of love.
If you are single and looking for love, you may have a better chance if you join a spiritual group, or volunteer your services to a charity. Partying and networking will have some impact, but not as much as they have done in the past. You may have more opportunity to find your soul mate if you just let it happen, don't try too hard.
Your finances improve quite significantly from June onwards, once Jupiter moves into your sign. You will feel confident in your ability to obtain whatever you want or need. But you must be careful and not be tempted to borrow and get deeper in debt. If you plan wisely it doesn't have to be that way. As Mercury is your personal financial planet be wary of arranging deals or loans. The dates to avoid such negotiations are March 30 - April 23, August 2 - August 26, November 23 - December 13. You are good at bargaining, so use this ability to your advantage.
Home & Family
Family life is not going to change too much over the year ahead. There are no major planets moving through this part of your chart, so you have a free rein to do as you please.

Cancer [June 22 - July 22]

The focus has been on travel and adventure, and on journeying far in order to bring back new knowledge. This year the focus shifts to your career. Jupiter will move into your career zone on January 23 which is going to encourage you to take more risks. Doing so will bring big rewards. It all gets more exciting from March when Uranus moves into Aries for a very long stay. There will be no stopping you.
Your love life is as important this year as it was in previous years. Your relationships are moving through a radical change. Any negative issues that have been draining away your energy and reducing the relationship to a shadow of its former self will come up to be resolved. This isn't going to be pretty but it is necessary if you want a real partnership in which you both can be happy. Don't take on too much responsibility with other things as this could over shadow and take the romance out of your love life. Balance is the key.
Your financial zone is not going to be affected by any major planets over the coming year. However, as there are four Solar Eclipses over 2011, you can expect changes and upheavals, just so you don't become too complacent. The Solar Eclipse on July 1 may encourage you to develop a clear vision of what you want in this area, and push you to work towards it. Generally the fog will clear and suddenly you will know what to do next.
Home & Family
Home and family issues continue to be important this year, with a need to buckle under and shoulder your share of the family troubles and responsibilities. You will have to work harder, but this doesn't mean you have to suffer as a result. Being a Cancer you tend to give a lot and can become a martyr to the cause, if you are not careful.

Leo [July 23 - August 22]

There are a few shifts taking place over 2011, which are going to open new doors for you. You will want to broaden your horizons and go places that you have never been before. Uranus moves into Aries in March, which will make you even more restless. The urge to go off on an exciting trip on the spur of the moment may be too much to resist. You may become more busy than usual with advertising campaigns, general administration and other communication issues. You may also have more dealings with brothers and sisters and neighbours, as well as consider writing a novel, becoming a teacher, or learning to be an expert salesperson. Healthwise, it is important to detox and cleanse on a regular basis, to rejuvenate your body on all levels. And an exciting change is coming up in your love life!
Neptune has been in your partnership zone for many years now. Over 2011 it will move into Pisces from April 5 to August 6. We all hear about soul mates, and about how everyone seems to be searching for that perfect partner. With Neptune in your eighth house your search may intensify. Secondly, Uranus, your partnership planet, will move into Aries in March, which suggests that you will be drawn to people who are more action orientated. Previously you were attracted by people's spiritual qualities, now you are drawn by their physical abilities. The fitter they are the better! You are also a lot more impulsive in love, which could cause complications, so think before you act!
Over 2010 your financial situation was particularly good and was bolstered by the good fortune of your partner. In 2011 it pays to be very clear about any money you owe, and to know how money is being spent, especially on credit cards. Don't bury your head in the sand concerning any debts. Instead take action. In terms of your personal finance there are no real issues, apart from being especially careful when Mercury is retrograde. This occurs from March 30 - April 23, August 2 - August 26, November 23 - December 13. Don't take out loans or sign agreements that involve a lot of money at these times.
Home & Family
Home and family issues are not a priority over 2011. As many Leos run their own business from home, it enables them to spend more time with their family, as well as cutting out the daily commute. You may also be keen for the whole family to embrace a healthier lifestyle. Turning one room into a home gym, or deciding to adopt a healthy eating plan will work wonders for you inside and out. Your family wil benefit as well.

Virgo [August 23 - September 23]

Your relationships have been subject to surprises and upheavals for some time now, especially since Uranus has been in the sign of Pisces. Over 2011 things are going to change. You have had to learn how to be more detached in love and how to go with the flow. Trying to second guess your lover or other people you relate to on a daily basis has not been easy. This year it will be easier to get loans and credit and you will also get a boost to your sex life! You will be much more proactive about dealing with all kinds of issues that you may have procrastinated over the past. Although it will be easier to obtain loans and credit you do have to be wise and strike a balance between income and expenditure.
There is still a lot happening as far as your love life is concerned. In fact your light-hearted relationships seem to be more intense than any long-term partnership. new love relationships may be plagued by jealousy, obsession and possessiveness. Yet there is also the possibility of a love affair that transforms you and your lover in wonderful ways. Your long term relationships will show marked improvement especially where your sex life is concerned. There will be a greater willingness to experiment.
Saturn will remain in your personal financial zone until 2012, which means you have to learn to make the best of what you have. You will have become very resourceful by the time this phase is over. If you are good at handling your money you will experience very little problem. If your finances are in disarray you may not be so lucky. In January you may find it easier to get credit, should you need it, but in March you need to be careful about the way you use borrowed money. You may have to do more to help support your children, which may need to be factored into the equation.
Home & Family
You may want to borrow money in order to make a few home improvements or perhaps to re-mortgage your house to raise extra funds. There is also the possibility of a windfall or inheritance in the form of a property, or share of property. When Jupiter moves into Taurus you may want to decorate your place using inspiration from other countries and cultures, or from purchases brought back from faraway travels. The ethnic look may take over your home!

Libra [August 23 - September 23]

You are moving through a phase in which you are learning to shoulder responsibility, and find inner peace and a sense of achievement from doing so. There may be a number of changes to your home zone and you may move, or have to deal with changes to the family dynamics. There is also a chance to heal ancestral problems which may be affect you unknowingly. You may find your love life a little unpredictable. Anything could happen.
Get ready for some real action in the love department. You already had a taste of what was coming last year, and may still be reeling from the shock of it. In March you could embark on a love adventure like nothing before. Be prepared for love affairs to begin on the spur of the moment and end just as quickly. Marriages and divorces could happen more quickly too. Wherever Uranus goes it means that the time speeds up. You may go through the whole sequence of a love affair that might normally takes years in a few short months. Hang onto your hat!
Your finances seem to be ticking along over 2011, without too much change to your cirumstances. Pluto in your home zone means that you may be spending a lot of your income on a mortgage, or on the upkeep of your house and family needs. It may be your financial situation that encourages you to move either to a bigger or smaller property, depending on how well you are doing. But for the most part you are in a conservative mood and will tend to look after your finances more carefully than usual.
Home & Family
As mentioned earlier home and family affairs continue to be important, especially as Pluto will be in this part of your Solar chart for some time. You may find that life at home goes through periodic upheavals which will encourage you to release a lot of old stuff. This could be clutter and junk, or even family issues that need to be healed and let go of. It helps to go with the flow and encourage this process. Resisting it will cause you more trouble than it's worth. So if you are aware that there are skeletons in the family cupboard, it may be time for you to let them out.

Scorpio [October 24 - November 22]

You have been enjoying the many creative opportunities that have come you way. If you run your own business you will have thrived on contracts you gained and the money you earned. Love affiars have been fun, and life has been like one big party. In 2011 the focus changes to your work and health zone. Jupiter moves into Aries in January and is followed by Uranus in March. You may find it hard to put up with too many restrictions at work, and in your health zone. You need to be free to go with the flow and follow your star. Meanwhile Pluto is in your third house of study and communication, which suggests that you are spending a lot of time studying, reading, writing and learning new and useful skils.
Long-term relationships have been ticking over fine with no dramatic happenings to speak of in this part of your life, unless your unique chart shows otherwise. In 2011 things are going to change, especially as Jupiter moves into Taurus and your partnership zone in early June. It will remain there for the rest of the year and on into 2012. This suggests that if you have been delaying thoughts of marriage, you may finally decide to go for it. There may be an engagement, a wedding or a decision to take a love affair to a more committed level. You have had enough of quick flings and light hearted romance. You want something much more permanent and stable. You want to feel secure in your love life and this is exactly what is going to happen. It will feel so right!
Once Jupiter moves into Aries in January, you may want to splash out on exercise equipment and anything else you need to stay fit and healthy. Alternatively you may want to take out some form of private health insurance for yourself and your family. When Jupiter moves into Taurus and your relationship zone from early June, you will benefit from creative partnerships which may help you to increase your earnings in more ways than one. Other people are going to promote you behind your back, which can't be a bad thing!
Home & Family
Neptune has been in your home and family zone for many years, and may be at the root cause of all kinds of problems. If there are family issues that seem almost impossible to resolve, due to confusion and misinformation, they may be linked to this nebulous. In 2011 the mist disappears and you know exactly what to do to get the results you are after. Uranus the planet linked with this part of your chart, moves into Aries in March, which may mean you become very restless. The desire to move may be stronger than ever. You may also want to work at home.

Sagittarius [November 23 - December 21]

In 2011 friendships continue to be tested, yet at the same time you get a lot of help and support from longstanding friends. They may get annoyed with your madcap ideas and try to rein you in when you really don't want or need to be. But they have your best interests at heart. Your home and family zone has been in focus for some time. You may have moved over recent years, perhaps more than once. You may become far more sporting than you have been in some time. You might also enjoy running your own business, and letting the inner child out to play. If you have children of your own they will teach you a lot about having fun. But you will have to make clear boundaries, as they will be tempted to cross them.
Long-term relationships are likely to stay very stable despite any issues you may be experiencing. Mercury is linked with your relationship zone, which suggests that you are also prone to being affected by Mercury retrograde which will occur on the following dates. March 30 - April 23, August 2 - August 26, November 23 - December 13. These times are great for sorting out any issues you have, but not so good for working out agreements or working on new projects together. The new focus on your love affairs zone suggests that your love life will be swinging. You may develop a rather adolescent approach to being in love.
In 2011 if you network regularly, you may be able to get yourself some lucrative contracts and deals. Be especially careful in July and August when tense aspects between Pluto and Uranus may conincide with difficulties in your financial situation. It helps to plan ahead and to save up for any eventualities. Pluto is encouraging you to let go of negative thinking around money and living in abundance.It is helping you to become rich by utilizing the correct principles which will enable you to do so. The main point is not to take risks that are unlikely to succeed.
Home & Family
The energy in and around your home is going to change over the coming year. Your home may seem quieter, more relaxed and more peaceful after the frenetic time you have had recently. Neptune will move into this zone from early April to early August, which may bring a greater spiritual ambiance your way. You may want to use your place as a base from which people can learn to meditate or practice other spiritual disciplines. Try to avoid confusion over family affairs by saying it like it is. It will prevent a lot of potential problems if you are honest and open.

Capricorn [December 22 - January 20]

You are still in the midst of major change,especially where your image and physical appearance are concerned. The presence of Pluto in your sign is helping you to shed your old skin and allow a new one to grow in its place. As Pluto will be in your first house for many years yet you may go through a number of rebirths. Each time you will emerge looking fresher and more dynamic, and ready to pursue your dreams. Saturn continues to move through your career zone, which means you have a great opportunity to reach the heights of success. You will continue to put a lot of pressure on yourself, so try and find a balance that works for you without making you ill..
You are not too worried about love or love affairs over 2011. Your main focus is on your business, and on reaching the top of the tree. However, as the Moon is your relationship planet, you can expect a few upheavals over the year, which will coincide with the six Eclipses that are due. There will be a Solar Eclipse in your sign on January 4 and another in your opposite sign of Cancer on July 1. At these times love affairs and long-term relationships may be tested. If your relationship is strong you will pull through. However, if there are cracks appearing in the wallpaper, it may well be time to call it a day. The other three Eclipses may affect your relationship indirectly.
This year you are more willing to speculate and take major risks. As Jupiter will be in Aries in the first half of the year, you may be tempted to buy property as an investment. But don't lose your sense of proportion and don't forget to use your common sense. In the excitement of the moment you may end up splashing out money on a deal that could go sour. It is best to tread carefully, and to test every step along the way before you make any financial commitments. Neptune will also move out of your financial zone for a short while, which may coincide with increasing clarity. FInally know what you want, and you are happy to pursue it.
Home & Family
Your home and family zone may be subject to unexpected twists and turns, and you too may feel as though you are on a roller coaster ride. One minute you are up in the air and the next crashing down to the ground. Your family may become larger due to the birth of children or grandchildren. There maybe multiple moves, and an eagerness to experiment with different and novel designs for your home. Uranus is also the planet of awakening, so you can expect certain issues to rise to the surface. If this is the case you can then see them for what they are, and begin to heal them. There may also be splits in the family which create various factions and conflicts. This may feel like being in an earthquake zone. You can no longer pretend to be what you are not in the company of family members. Honesty is the best policy, shocking though it may be!

Pisces [February 20 - March 20]

For a number of years you have taken an experimental approach to life and love, and may have felt as though you were on a rollercoaster ride. From this year the focus shifts to your personal financial zone and to developing a new approach to money. Your values may be overturned in the process, and you will be fired up with great ideas for ways to become financially successful. Above all make sure you don't take any unnecessary risks. It is a great time for sorting out joint financial affairs. It also time to explore your shadow side and to bring those hidden and repressed parts of your being out into the light. Doing so will be better for you, and better for those around you too.
You have been through quite a journey as far as your love life is concerned in recent years. If your relationship was strong and has survived, it will most likely survive anything in the future. During 2011 long term relationships will stay much the same. However, with Saturn in your eighth house, you still need to continue working on yourself in order to release issues that may have been poisoning your current relationship, even on a subtle level. It is like alchemy, you get to make gold out of all the heavy stuff you have been repressing. Your social life is being re-birthed, expect changes as they will happen.
You finances are looking good, especially as Jupiter will move into your personal financial zone in January, giving you a real boost in this area. But when Uranus moves in, in early March you are going to be really on fire. You will have many ideas for money making schemes, especially if they involve the Internet, or any of the latest marketing techniques. The only problem you will have is jumping in where angels fear to tread. You may ignore the necessary steps needed to determine whether a deal or idea has mileage or not, and go for it which could be a mistake. Make sure you know what you are letting yourself in for, and whether you can really afford it. This applies to impulse purchases too.
Home & Family
Your home and family situation seems stable over the course of 2011. There is nothing going on at at home which is going to disturb the status quo in any way. However, you may experience upheavals when it comes to your children. They may be leaving home to go to college or university, or off on a long trip around the world. In some way or other they need a degree of independence, and a chance to find themselves. If you are thinking of buying or selling a property, don't do so while Mercury is retrograde. Mercury is the planet associated with your home, so the dates you want to avoid are March 30 - April 23, August 2 - August 26, Novermber 23 - December 13. Use these times so clear out clutter and ger your place shipshape.

Adapted from "Your Year Ahead - Annual Predictions for 2011" By Helen Adams. Wimborne Publishing Ltd.

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